Facebook Group/ Virtual Hoffman Hall- On Facebook we have a group for keeping in touch with the First Pres Community.. Click here to join!
Coffee Hour – Each Sunday before and after our worship service a coffee hour is hosted in Hoffman Hall. Our Night Deacons prepare snacks, coffee, and tea for you to enjoy while you chat.
WHY30 – WHY30 is a group for young(ish) adults to connect with their peers and forge those ever important relationships within our church family.
Women’s Ministry Events – We have a very active Women’s Ministry! New events are always being planned, from trips to the theater, tea time, paint nights, Kentucky Derby Day, and so much more!
Monthly Free Pancake Breakfast-: Our Night Deacons host a FREE breakfast every 1st Saturday of month which runs 8:30am-10am. If you are interested in helping, join us one Saturday morning to learn more!
Nursery- We offer nursery care for many of our in-building fellowship opportunities and during worship services. We’ll take good care of your little ones so you can participate more fully in fellowship.
Weekday Devotional Blog Written by members of our congregation. CLICK HERE
Centering Prayer – Learn a method of silent prayer while enjoying the fellowship of others on this journey. We meet at 1:00 p.m. every Tuesday in Room 210.
Praise Yoga – Yoga focused on Scripture. We meet at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and 8:30 a.m. every Thursday in the Narthex.
Nursery– : Sunday morning care for little ones who are ages 0-3.
Kid’s Program- Every Sunday during the worship service kids age 4- 5th grade have time together to learn, play, and build relationships.
Project Linus – All are invited to make no-sew blankets for children in need. Join us at 9:00 a.m. on the 4th Monday of each month in Hoffman Hall.
Are you gifted musically?
Chancel Choir – We sing a variety of hymns and newer music at the 9:00 am service. Join us at one of our practices on a Wednesday evening at 7:30 pm.
Glory Ringers Handbell Choir – We’re looking to add new ringers all the time – come and try it out! We practice Thursdays at 7 p.m. in Room 106.
Worship Band – Do you play guitar, drums…love to sing contemporary Christian music? Contact the church office.
Micro-Pantry- Just outside our front door on Western is our very own Micro-pantry. Anyone in need can take what they want and anyone is free drop off some non-perishable goods. Hygiene products are also welcome.
Summer Lunch Program –
We are registered to serve lunches to children 18 and under during Summer Break. We welcome those willing to serve and interact with the children and families who attend. We also welcome any activity that you would like to share with the children – a hobby you enjoy, a sport you could share or craft you can teach.